Ventilation Designs for Healthy Homes

Join the co-host of the PBS series Home Diagnosis as he guides you through actionable steps to improve your home’s ventilation, resulting in enhanced indoor air quality. Explore

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Ventilation Designs for Healthy Homes

Myths and Misconceptions

Get ready to dispel 15 common myths and misconceptions surrounding mold, as presented by a legend in the indoor environmental health industry. Uncover the truth about whether mold

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Myths and Misconceptions

The Potential Dangers of Brand-New Multi-Family Housing

When a Colorado family recently moved into their brand-new multi-family home near Denver, they were excited to finally be free of worry about the indoor air quality that

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The Potential Dangers of Brand-New Multi-Family Housing

How Our Home Impacts Our Health

Uncover the vital relationship between your home’s indoor air quality and your health in this content-rich presentation. Gain valuable information about health symptoms commonly triggered by mold, detecting

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How Our Home Impacts Our Health

Environ-Mental Health

View environmental illness and its impact on mental health through the eyes of a clinical psychologist as she candidly shares her own profound transformative journey. Acquire wisdom to

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Environ-Mental Health

Mold Remediation 101

Demystify the mold remediation process as you learn to distinguish between effective and harmful practices. You will be taught how to recognize what proper containment and source removal

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Mold Remediation 101

Hiring the Right Team

Listen in as the co-founder of Change the Air Foundation shares insights on avoiding common mistakes when hiring professionals to test, inspect, and remediate your home. Gain a

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Hiring the Right Team