Inspecting or remediating your home for mold and water damage? Start here!
The five steps below are designed to help you navigate the inspection and remediation process like a pro! Each step is filled with important tips, reminders, free downloads, and words of caution so you can feel confident when talking with professionals and making decisions for your home.
WORDS OF CAUTION: It is important to keep in mind that the inspection and remediation industry is not very regulated. Unfortunately, the experience, qualifications, and skills set vary greatly among IEPs and mold remediators. You cannot assume that because a person is an IEP or mold remediator that they are bound by certain requirements, standards, laws, or operating procedures. The information under the "Read More" tabs will help you find a knowledgeable IEP and remediator for your home.
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Step 1 : Inspect your home or building for signs of mold and water damage. If mold or water damage is found or suspected, consider hiring a knowledgeable Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) who can determine the extent of any problems and determine next steps.
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Step 2 : If remediation is recommended, consider hiring a knowledgeable remediation company that follows, at a minimum, the practices outlined in “Mold Remediation at a Glance."
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Step 3 : Perform post-remediation verification (clearance testing) of work areas. This is typically done by a third party such as an IEP.
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Step 4 : Clean the rest of the home and belongings (sometimes known as small particle cleaning), and consider cleaning the HVAC and ductwork (if HVAC and ductwork were not addressed as part of Step 2) to remove cross-contamination. Additional testing may be considered at this point.
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Step 5 : Reevaluate how you feel in the home and consider working with a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner if health symptoms and concerns persist. Implement preventive measures, regular maintenance, and a cleaning schedule.
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