Health Focused

Change the Air is committed to helping people make the connection between their health and their homes.

Interview with Dr. Anna Roth

View environmental illness and its impact on mental health through the eyes of a clinical psychologist as she candidly shares her own profound transformative journey. Acquire wisdom to distinguish between ...

Environ-Mental Health

Interview with Kelly LeVeque

A celebrity holistic nutritionist shares her wealth of knowledge on how food can support the body in healing from environmental toxin exposure. This information-rich interview explains the science behind how ...

Optimizing Nutrition for Detoxification

Interview with Dr. Judy Morgan

Watch this fascinating presentation by an integrative veterinarian as she sheds light on the powerful impact of indoor pollutants on your pets and the steps you can take to protect ...

Pets & Indoor Air Quality

Interview with AJ & Becky Callegan

If doctors told you they wanted to remove part of your brain even though they couldn’t explain why you were sick, what would you do? This is the dilemma that ...

Seized by Mold: An HVAC Tech’s Recovery From Mold-Induced Seizures

Interview with Dr. Steven Bock and Kathleen Wallace

What do a bug bite, a hair salon, and over 50 mysterious health symptoms have in common? Join Kathleen Wallace and Dr. Steven Bock as they share how Kathleen, a ...

A Closer Look at Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Interview with Dr. Jill Carnahan

Follow the “Sherlock Holmes of Medicine” as she guides you through the surprising ways in which mold and environmental toxins affect health. Keep a notepad handy during this information-rich presentation ...

Sherlock Holmes of Medicine

Interview with Dr. Pejman Katiraei

In this science-rich presentation, an integrative pediatrician highlights the profound influence of mold toxicity on pediatric patient health. Learn how mold can damage children’s mitochondria, impacting brain function and contributing ...

The Epidemic in Pediatric Health

Interview with Dr. Will Cole

Dive into the fascinating, cutting-edge science that illuminates the relationship between mental health and physiology found in Dr. Cole’s latest book, Gut Feelings. This densely-packed interview discusses the inextricable link ...

The Autoimmune Inflammation Spectrum

Interview with Dr. Steven Gundry

One of the world’s top surgeons and nutrition pioneers shares a captivating explanation of the importance of healing the microbiome to combat environmental toxin-related illness. Gain a deep understanding of ...

Healing Your Microbiome

Interview with Blake and Lindsay Reeves

Join us as we delve into the harrowing journey of Blake and Lindsay Reeves, a husband and wife duo on a mission to safeguard families from the dangers of indoor ...

A Cry for Help: The Reeves Family’s Journey Through Mold Illness

Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra

Prepare for a paradigm shift as you listen to a compelling explanation on how intricately intertwined the air we breathe is with the health of our homes, the people we ...

Air Quality and Planetary Well-being

Interview with Dr. Dale Bredesen

Take a look at the trailblazing research illuminating the true causes and effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.  This jam-packed presentation on Inhalational Alzheimer’s delves into the features suggestive of mycotoxin-associated ...

Inhalational Alzheimer’s

Interview with Jenny Johnson

Have you ever yearned for a life closer to nature through homesteading? Discover how Jenny Johnson’s family’s farm-life fantasy quickly morphed into a biotoxin nightmare in this cautionary tale with ...

Battling Biotoxins: The Johnson Family’s Journey to Recovery

Interview with Dr. Jill Crista

Prepare for a captivating presentation that explores how four environmental toxins contribute to PANDAS and PANS. You’ll receive cutting-edge explanations on how these disorders develop, their contributing factors, and effective ...

Environmental Impacts on PANDAS/PANS

Interview with Gwyneth Paltrow

Embark on an emotional journey with award winning singer and songwriter Christina Perri as she candidly shares her family’s heartbreaking story of infant loss, the surprising discovery of hidden mold, ...

Pain to Passion

Interview with Gwyneth Paltrow

When mysterious symptoms wouldn’t budge, Gwyneth Paltrow was determined to find answers. What she didn’t expect to discover was sinister mold lurking in her home and body. After well-meaning doctors ...

Mold Discovery to Recovery

Interview with Dr. Sandeep Gupta

This insightful presentation offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the four types of mold-related illnesses, including infection and colonization, allergy, direct toxic and metabolic effects, and whole-body inflammation. Listeners will ...

More than an Allergy

We are excited to announce you can listen to our interviews on “Your Indoor Air Podcast,” available on all major podcasting platforms.“Your Indoor Air Podcast” makes it even easier for ...

Change the Air Foundation Launches New Podcast

Interview with Jodie Hunter

Have you ever wondered if recovery from severe mold illness is possible? If so, this is the interview for you! Jodie Hunter candidly recounts her family’s harrowing journey through physical ...

Hope for Healing: The Hunter Family Recovers From Mold Exposure

30+ Home and Health Focused Episodes

We are pleased to announce the Change the Air Summit is now LIVE!WHAT IS THE CHANGE THE AIR SUMMIT?The Change the Air Summit is a groundbreaking event that brings together ...

Change the Air Summit

Interview with Beth Lambert

Please join us for an eye-opening interview with Beth Lambert where we talk about the escalating rates of childhood chronic conditions. Beth is an author, educator, and former healthcare consultant, ...

Understanding Total Load

Interview with Dr. Jill Crista

Dr. Crista joins us to talk about her new book, A Light in the Dark for PANDAS & PANS. PANDAS and PANS is a condition that is estimated to affect ...

PANDAS, PANS, and Environmental Toxins

Interview with Dr. Jaban Moore

One of the challenging things about living or working in a building with poor indoor air quality is that many indoor pollutants are odorless, colorless, and invisible to the naked ...

Mold: The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

Interview with Jamie Way

“At the age of 4, my daughter started to lose her hair. By the time she was 5, she lost every hair on her head, face, and body. This is ...

Alopecia & Mold: A Young Girl’s Story of Recovery

Written by Jamie Way

At the age of 4, my daughter started to lose her hair. By the time she was 5, she lost every hair on her head, face, and body. This is ...

It’s Not Just Hair – My Daughter’s Journey To Healing Alopecia

Interview with Dr. Jill Crista

Join us for our interview with Dr. Jill Crista, a pioneering naturopathic doctor, best-selling author, devoted educator, and creative innovator. Her superpower truly is making complex medical concepts simple and ...

Understanding the Role of Mold in Your Body & Home

Interview with Rebecca H.

On Thanksgiving Day 2019, 4-year-old Walker collapsed while helping to set the table for dinner. He suffered the first of what would become daily life-threatening and life-altering seizures. Fast forward ...

Walker’s Story

Interview with Bridgit Danner, LAC, FDNP

This week are joined by special guest, Bridgit Danner, LAC, FDNP, and author of The Ultimate Toxic Mold Recover Guide: Take Back Your Health, Home, and Life! In this interview, ...

Taking Back Your Health, Home, and Life

Interview with Shemane Nugent

In this interview, we talk with Shemane Nugent about her life-threatening experience with toxic mold. Shemane went from being an active mother and wife who taught 15 aerobics classes a ...

A Journey Through Toxic Mold

Interview with Scott Forsgen, FDNP, HHP

  Please join us for this can’t-miss interview with Scott Forsgren, FDN-P, HHP, where we discuss healing from chronic Lyme disease, mold-related illness, and other biotoxins! Scott walks us through ...

Healing from Chronic Lyme Disease, Mold Related Illness, and other Biotoxins