Interview with Dr. Steven Bock and Kathleen Wallace

What do a bug bite, a hair salon, and over 50 mysterious health symptoms have in common? Join Kathleen Wallace and Dr. Steven Bock as they share how Kathleen, a successful salon owner, developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) due to Lyme disease and occupational exposure to beauty industry chemicals.

This moving interview captures Kathleen’s losses—her marriage, business, and home—as well as the hope and renewed life purpose she found as a result of Dr. Bock’s expertise and compassion. Gain valuable insights into Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and the urgent need for awareness and support for individuals with invisible disabilities.

To download the transcript for the article, click here.

Episode Highlights:

  • Kathleen Wallace shares the symptoms that plagued her for years and how she finally received a diagnosis from Dr. Bock. (3:14)
  • Dr. Bock describes what Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is. (7:41)
  • Dr. Bock explains why MCS is not understood or acknowledged by more of the medical community. (11:45)
  •  Dr. Bock explains treatment options for MCS. (13:20)
  • Dr. Bock describes how frequently other illnesses coexist alongside MCS, and the order of treatment. (14:56)
  • Kathleen describes what it’s like to live with MCS. (18:18)
  • Kathleen describes the measures she takes to combat her symptoms. (22:22)
  • Dr. Bock shares how chemical exposures in various situations, including on September 11th and related to Gulf War Syndrome, have kicked off MCS in some individuals.  (25:03)
  • Dr. Bock discusses if MCS is curable, and first steps to take to find help for MCS. (28:08)
  • Kathleen describes how life has changed since being diagnosed with MCS, and what has helped. (30:43)

Get In Touch With Our Guest:

Dr. Steven J. Bock