Interview with Corey Levy

Attention, renters: this episode is especially for you! We’ve brought back Corey Levy, one of our favorite mold inspectors, to divulge his top tips and tricks on navigating indoor air quality issues as a renter. Get the inside scoop on finding a safe rental, effectively communicating with your landlord, breaking a lease for health reasons, and everything in between. This episode is sure to teach you something new and make you a more confident, savvy renter.

Episode Highlights:

  • What age building is safest to rent health-wise? (4:39)
  • What type of building is safest to rent health-wise? (7:03)  
  • How does ventilation influence the health of the rented building? (10:08)
  • How can you astutely investigate rentals for health hazards before signing a lease? (11:42)
  • Should you be upfront with a potential landlord about what you’re looking for health-wise in a home? (17:27)
  • What are your options if you’re living in a rental and you suspect or know that your rental has a mold problem? (20:29)
  • What are some of the rights you have as a tenant if you discover mold in your rental? (31:44)
  • How can a tenant know if those that have been hired to inspect and remediate their rental are truly qualified? (35:53)
  • What can you do if your landlord claims that you just have dirt or mildew instead of problematic mold growth? (39:56)
  • What can you do if your landlord wants to paint over or bleach the mold? (43:09)
  • What can you do if your landlord claims that since the mold is in uninhabitable parts of the home like attics or crawlspaces, it can be ignored? (45:56) 
  • What can you do if you need to break a lease due to indoor health hazards? (48:40)


Links mentioned in interview:

We Inspect's 5 Signs of Hidden Mold Growth

We Inspect's How to Find Mold When Buying or Renting a Home

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