Join us for a very special interview with Change the Air Foundation’s Director of Public Policy, Brandon Chappo. Brandon shares exciting updates about the groundbreaking passage of Illinois
Rental Nightmare: Healing From Hidden Mold
Abigail was enjoying the prime of her life, but just two months after moving into a new apartment, everything fell apart. She shares how her health rapidly declined,
Mold In the Workplace: Vanessa’s story
What do you do when you’re forced to choose between your health and your career? That’s the tough choice Vanessa Johnson faced when a moldy workplace cost Vanessa
ADA 101 for CIRS & Mold Illness:Tips to Navigate the Reasonable Accommodation Process Successfully
In 2012, the old, water-damaged building in which I was working made me ill. I was a human resources professional and a licensed attorney with more than 15
Treating Mold Illness
This interview is a must-watch! Are you confused by which steps to follow when it comes to treating mold illness? Have you heard key words like colonization, biofilm,
Battling Illness and Finding Hope
Join us for an emotional and uplifting interview with Dr. Jill Carnahan, a functional doctor, author, and actor, as she shares her unique perspective as both a patient
Change the Air Foundation Welcomes Two Additional Doctors to our Medical Advisory Panel
We have some fantastic news! Change the Air Foundation is delighted to welcome two additional doctors to our Medical Advisory Panel. Dr. Tania Tyles Dempsey and Dr. Terri
Change the Air Foundation Celebrates Legislative Victory with the Unanimous, Bipartisan Passage of Illinois SB 1087 – The Mold Remediation Registration Act
Change the Air Foundation is thrilled to announce a momentous public policy achievement that the Foundation and our Illinois volunteers spearheaded with the unanimous, bipartisan passage of SB
Navigating Mold-Related Illness in Children
When your child suffers from unexplained or mold-related health issues, navigating the perplexing path to healing can be daunting. Dr. Pejman Katiraei joins us to provide guidance, compassion,
Ventilation Designs for Healthy Homes
Join the co-host of the PBS series Home Diagnosis as he guides you through actionable steps to improve your home’s ventilation, resulting in enhanced indoor air quality. Explore