Get ready to dispel 15 common myths and misconceptions surrounding mold, as presented by a legend in the indoor environmental health industry. Uncover the truth about whether mold
The Potential Dangers of Brand-New Multi-Family Housing
When a Colorado family recently moved into their brand-new multi-family home near Denver, they were excited to finally be free of worry about the indoor air quality that
How Our Home Impacts Our Health
Uncover the vital relationship between your home’s indoor air quality and your health in this content-rich presentation. Gain valuable information about health symptoms commonly triggered by mold, detecting
Environ-Mental Health
View environmental illness and its impact on mental health through the eyes of a clinical psychologist as she candidly shares her own profound transformative journey. Acquire wisdom to
Mold Remediation 101
Demystify the mold remediation process as you learn to distinguish between effective and harmful practices. You will be taught how to recognize what proper containment and source removal
Hiring the Right Team
Listen in as the co-founder of Change the Air Foundation shares insights on avoiding common mistakes when hiring professionals to test, inspect, and remediate your home. Gain a
Protecting Military Families
Delve into the personal and institutional challenges faced by military families as they navigate unhealthy privatized housing. Learn how the nonprofit organization Armed Forces Housing Advocates empowers military
Optimizing Nutrition for Detoxification
A celebrity holistic nutritionist shares her wealth of knowledge on how food can support the body in healing from environmental toxin exposure. This information-rich interview explains the science
Mold Law 101
Gain insight into navigating the complexities of poor indoor air quality litigation from a personal injury attorney as she candidly shares her family’s challenging journey through mold and
The Electro-Magnetic World
“The EMF Guy” shares startling findings on the effects of humanity’s increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields. Learn about how electropollution affects your health, the distinctions between natural and