Join us for a very special interview with Change the Air Foundation’s Director of Public Policy, Brandon Chappo. Brandon shares exciting updates about the groundbreaking passage of Illinois
ADA 101 for CIRS & Mold Illness:Tips to Navigate the Reasonable Accommodation Process Successfully
In 2012, the old, water-damaged building in which I was working made me ill. I was a human resources professional and a licensed attorney with more than 15
Managing Moisture
Dive into this informative presentation led by an experienced architect specializing in building science to discover the top 5 most effective strategies for managing moisture in your home.
Ditching Dust & Mold
Prepare for an information-packed session on nurturing a healthy microbiome within your living space. Discover the latest technology, products, and actionable steps you can implement today to safeguard
Building for Health
Learn how to build a healthy home from the ground up through this educational presentation by an expert in green home building. Explore the true meaning of ‘green’
Change the Air Foundation Celebrates Legislative Victory with the Unanimous, Bipartisan Passage of Illinois SB 1087 – The Mold Remediation Registration Act
Change the Air Foundation is thrilled to announce a momentous public policy achievement that the Foundation and our Illinois volunteers spearheaded with the unanimous, bipartisan passage of SB
Indoor Toxins in the Home
Listen as a top indoor environmental toxicologist shares how to create and maintain an optimal indoor environment. Discover effective methods to identify and prevent issues related to indoor
A Toxic Lead Story
Watch as the “Lead Safe Mama” shares her family’s heartbreaking story of lead poisoning and how it inspired her to advocate for children’s health and raise awareness about
Detect and Prevent Mold
Get the scoop on secrets from a top Indoor Environmental Professional about where to look, what to look for, and how to prevent mold within your home. Keep
The Truth About Dormant Mold
A top mold inspection expert reveals the dangers of dormant mold and highlights how many inspectors fail to recognize this threat. In this candid presentation, you will gain