Explore the marvelous world of mycology with Brantley May, a building scientist and indoor environmental consultant. Dive into the inner workings of mold colonies, including clarifying explanations on secondary metabolites, and a description of the nuances between "indoor" and "outdoor" molds. Discover the distinct characteristics of eight prevalent problematic molds and their ecological niches. Brantley updates us on the latest laboratory reporting practices and shares insights on maintaining the ideal indoor humidity level for mold prevention. Tune in for Brantley's enlightening analogies and actionable takeaways in this educational and foundational interview.

Episode Highlights:

  • What is mold and how do parts of a mold colony function? (2:16)
  • Do all genera of mold produce mycotoxins? (8:54)
  • What is meant by the terms “indoor” and “outdoor” molds? (13:20)
  • Why do certain mold species grow at different rates and in different environments, and what is an ecological niche? (18:24)
  • What should you know about Cladosporium?  (23:18)
  • Why do labs often group Aspergillus and Penicillium together on mold test reports? (27:07)
  • What should you know about Aspergillus? (29:54)
  • Real life examples of mold growing inside of buildings that had their HVAC systems turned off. (32:06)
  • What should you know about Penicillium and Alternaria? (34:20)
  • What should you know about Stachybotrys? (36:31)
  • How frequently is hidden versus visible mold the cause of a problem? (40:06)
  • What should relative humidity ideally be inside our homes, and how can we most accurately measure it? (42:13)
  • What should you know about Chaetomium? (45:47)
  • What should you know about Fusarium and Trichoderma? (48:10)
  • What changes have labs recently made related to reporting the presence of Memnoniella?(51:50)
  • Why is killing mold and its byproducts unsafe? (52:53)
  • Brantley’s final takeaways regarding mold and testing. (55:17)

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Get In Touch With Our Guest:

EnviroHealth.co.TikTok: @buildingscience

Facebook: Brantley May

Instagram: BrantleyIAQ