Interview with Kate Needham

Delve into the personal and institutional challenges faced by military families as they navigate unhealthy privatized housing. Learn how the nonprofit organization Armed Forces Housing Advocates empowers military families through education, research, and advocacy, and hear the compelling story of the founder’s personal experience with unsafe military housing. Take note of essential tips to keep your family safe and effectively involve your landlord and chain of command by prioritizing mission readiness and documenting communication. Receive an update on the current state of laws and legislation aimed at protecting military families from unhealthy housing.

Episode Highlights:

  • Challenges faced by military families as they navigate unhealthy privatized housing.

  • How Armed Forces Housing Advocates empowers military families, and the story of the founder’s experience with unsafe military housing.

  • Tips to keep your family safe, and how to involve your landlord and chain of command to ensure your military housing is safe.

Update on current state of laws and legislation.   

Note: This interview was originally featured as part of the 2023 Change the Air Foundation Summit. All episodes are free, accessible 24/7, and can be found on our website or by visiting our 2023 Summit page here.