Interview with Dr. Will Cole

Dive into the fascinating, cutting-edge science that illuminates the relationship between mental health and physiology found in Dr. Cole’s latest book, Gut Feelings. This densely-packed interview discusses the inextricable link between brain and gut health and explores how mindful eating, personalized medicine, environmental biotoxin removal, self-compassion, and somatic practices can restore wellness to both mind and body.

Episode Highlights:

  • The microbiome-mind connection and tests to uncover the health of your gut-brain axis.  

  • How personal and intergenerational stress and trauma affect your immune system.

  • How a combination of mindful eating, personalized medicine, environmental biotoxin removal, self-compassion, and somatic practices can restore wellness to both mind and body. 

Note: This interview was originally featured as part of the 2023 Change the Air Foundation Summit. All episodes are free, accessible 24/7, and can be found on our website or by visiting our 2023 Summit page here.