We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023
Change the Air Foundation Research Grant!

Change the Air Foundation is proud to announce it has awarded Dr. Jill Crista and Dr. Neil Nathan a research grant. This grant will fund their “MoldIQ Research Initiative”, a mold illness questionnaire, designed to gather much needed human data on the health effects from exposure to damp and water-damaged buildings, with a goal to develop clinical identification tools for more rapid identification.

Data on human health effects from these exposures is lacking, leaving those suffering with poor health without a clear cause or action to recover their health. It’s time to move beyond the current limited understanding of mold as strictly an allergen, by studying the additional harmful health effects from mycotoxins and microbial metabolites.

Findings will be submitted for peer-review and publishing in medical journals, so that the information may be accessed by clinicians and researchers. This research has the potential to inform the design of future studies looking into the effects of indoor mold exposure on humans, with a focus on developing accepted treatments.

Change the Air Foundation periodically provides grants to passionate researchers, scientists, medical professionals, and organizations whose research focuses on improving the lives of those impacted by their indoor environment.

Poor indoor air quality is a neglected, dismissed, and underfunded public health issue. This needs to change! With your help, we can make safer indoor air a reality for everyone. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation now by clicking here.