If doctors told you they wanted to remove part of your brain even though they couldn’t explain why you were sick, what would you do? This is the dilemma that AJ Callegan found himself in after decades of working closely alongside microbial growth in the HVAC industry. When AJ’s unexplained seizures led to the shocking diagnosis of mold toxicity, functional medicine offered him and his wife Becky a glimmer of hope. Now, AJ and Becky are determined to revolutionize the HVAC and home building industry, making it their mission to promote safe, clean indoor air for all. 

Episode Highlights:

  • Becky describes how AJ’s health deteriorated and their journey to find answers. (2:18)
  • AJ shares his health journey from his perspective, including the recommendation of brain surgery. (16:18)
  • Becky describes how their doctor helped AJ to heal from his mold-induced seizures. (20:16)
  • AJ explains where his mold exposure came from. (29:33)
  • Becky and AJ discuss the rest of the family’s health, the current state of AJ’s health, and AJ’s advocacy efforts. (32:34)
  • What is the current state of the HVAC industry, and what needs to be improved upon? (38:08)
  • The Callegans share what they would have done differently. (49:08)
  • The Callegans share what the future holds for their family. (55:44)

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