Urgent Need for Comprehensive Measures to Address Indoor Mold and Water Damage

Change the Air Foundation's Policy Reform Initiative has been working tirelessly over the last year and a half to advocate for the implementation of public health awareness programs; firmer disclosures for residential, commercial, and industrial real property; certification requirements for mold inspectors and remediators; and increased research for mold and water-damaged building research at the state and federal level. These measures are crucial for safeguarding the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the country, and we believe they should be treated with the same seriousness as lead, asbestos, and radon to ensure improved indoor air quality and healthier living environments.

  • Public health awareness programs play a vital role in educating individuals and families about the potential hazards of mold and water damage. By increasing public understanding of these hazards, we empower people to recognize early warning signs, take necessary preventive measures, and seek informed professional assistance when needed. These programs can provide essential information on mold prevention, early detection, and health risks, ultimately reducing exposure and related health issues.
  • The introduction of firmer disclosure requirements for real estate properties can help potential buyers and renters make informed decisions about their living or working environments. Like lead, asbestos, and radon disclosures, providing information on the history of previous or current mold and water damage incidents ensures transparency and encourages property owners to address these issues proactively. Such transparency can significantly improve indoor air quality and protect the health of occupants.
  • The requirement of certifications mold inspectors and remediators is also essential to guarantee that professionals performing assessments and remediation possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to thoroughly and safely do so. Properly trained and certified individuals can conduct comprehensive inspections, identify hidden problems, and employ effective remediation strategies for their customer-base. This approach will contribute to long-term solutions to hopefully prevent future outbreaks of mold and water damage in our indoor environments.
  • Additionally, allocating increased funding and appropriations for mold and water damage research is imperative to advance our understanding of these issues and develop innovative, health-focused solutions. By treating mold and water damage research similarly to other indoor air pollutants, such as lead, asbestos, and radon, we signal the importance of addressing indoor air quality holistically. Enhanced research will enable us to identify new prevention methods, more effective remediation techniques, and will add to the growing list of alarming potential health implications, which will result in healthier living environments for all.

Considering the impact of mold and water damage on individuals' health, Change the Air Foundation feels this comprehensive approach to indoor air quality is imperative. Chronic exposure to mold can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, neurological issues, immunosuppression, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, anxiety, depression and exacerbate existing health conditions for those living within them. Water damage not only weakens the structural integrity of buildings, but also creates hazardous environments conducive to mold and bacterial growth, compounding the serious health risks. Treating these issues with the same seriousness as lead, asbestos, and radon will foster safer homes, offices, and public spaces.

The Foundation would like to thank our community for their generous donations to continue our Policy Reform Initiative. It is because of you that our organization can continue to fight on your behalf and advocate for the implementation of public health awareness programs, real property disclosures, inspection and remediation certification requirements, and increased funding for mold and water damage research at both the state and federal level. Taking these measures will pave the way for improved indoor air quality, healthier living environments, and most importantly, the well-being of our communities.

In health and change,

Brandon Chappo

Director of Public Policy

Change the Air Foundation

These are big wins and we have you to thank!  You can learn more about each of these majors milestones by click here:

Change the Air Summit 2023

Federal Bill Proposed

Research Grant

Unhealthy buildings is a growing epidemic, but together we can make safe indoor air a reality for everyone!

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