Mini Class Series: Testing Options for Your Home

Kendra Seymour
“When it comes to mold, there are no perfect tests. Testing is just one piece of the puzzle, and it is important to do the right test, in the right way, and at the right time. Otherwise, you can get inaccurate or incomplete results.”
These days, there are a lot of options available when it comes to testing your home for mold and other microbial growth. It can be hard to know where to put your time, trust, and money.
The goal of this series is simple: to help you, the homeowner or renter, understand the strengths and limitations of common testing methods so you can feel empowered when taking with professionals and making decisions for your home.
Important Note: The inclusion of any testing method on this website is not an endorsement for any specific test. Rather, we are including testing methods that are commonly available to the public. Ultimately, testing is just one piece of the puzzle. Every testing method has specific strengths and limitations. Any testing should be done in combination with a thorough investigation of the home, ideally performed by a knowledgeable Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP). You can learn more about how to find the best IEP for your home here.
What you’ll learn:
Disclaimer: The Change the Air Foundation ("CTA") is making the presentations in this mini class series available online solely to provide information to the interested public. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of CTA are not intended as a substitute for competent medical or legal advice. Neither CTA nor any of the presenters makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided.