Today we are joined by Kristina Baehr, founder of Just Well Law Firm, a justice and wellness law firm, where we talk about what you need to know
Mold 101 with Mark Levy
Today’s interview features Mark Levy who has spent over 15 years performing mold inspections specifically for hypersensitive individuals with complex health issues like Biotoxin illness, Lyme, CFS/ME, and
Inspecting Your Home for Mold : Part 2
Join us for Part 2 of our conversation with Brian Karr! In this episode, we discuss three different types of inspectors and how your typical inspection is likely
Mold Remediation Basics
Interview: Mold Remediation with Michael Rubino Join us as we tackle all things remediation in our interview with Co-Founder and President of Change the Air Foundation, Michael Rubino!
Inspecting Your Home for Mold & Water Damage : Part 1
Join us for Part 1 of our interview with guest Brian Karr, renowned Indoor Environmental Professional (I.E.P.), where we discuss the first steps a person might take if
How Clean is Your Air?
Until recently, you may not have thought much about what was in the air you were breathing or how it could affect your health. But the last few years